
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12153 From: dms.davidstevenson Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi Tom,

Many servo drives offer the ability to control the servos using either position mode or torque mode.

I don't fully understand the process of how each process is electrically controlled, but I was wondering if the SnapAmp has the ability to operate in torque mode? Currently I use 3 phase brushless servos with a SnapAmp as the drive.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12155 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi David,

I thought you have Brush Servos on your systems?  If this is the case SnapAmp is operating in torque mode.  KFLOP commands SnapAmp to apply a motor current.  Basically all motors operate in torque mode at some level. The torque is controlled to move the motor to some position based on encoder feedback.  The issue is whether some external drive closes the position loop and is just told the desired position or whether the Controller (in this case KFLOP) performs the feedback loopto move to the desired position.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12156 From: David Stevenson Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi Tom,

They are brushless servos on my systems.

Is there a way to cap the torque which should be applied, but not have this be the point where the SnapAmp faults? You had noted previously that the MaxOutput value could be changed to limit the current, but this seemed to make the motors turn slowly and fault when the value was hit. Is this the best variable to adjust to set the applied torque in a fluid situation?

Thanks for your help,

On 8/26/2015 1:49 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

I thought you have Brush Servos on your systems?  If this is the case SnapAmp is operating in torque mode.  KFLOP commands SnapAmp to apply a motor current.  Basically all motors operate in torque mode at some level. The torque is controlled to move the motor to some position based on encoder feedback.  The issue is whether some external drive closes the position loop and is just told the desired position or whether the Controller (in this case KFLOP) performs the feedback loopto move to the desired position.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12159 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi David,

SnapAmp drives Brushless motors in Voltage mode.

When the voltage limit is reached the motor will be not able to move sufficiently and there will be a following error.  If the Max Following Error is exceeded the Axis will fault.  Setting the Max Following error to a huge value should avoid the fault.

Motor Voltage is required to overcome motor back-emf (voltage that the motor generates like a generator when spinning) and motor resistance to cause current to flow. One approach might be to continuously monitor the motor speed and compute the expected motor back-emf.  Then change the Max Output to be some amount higher than this.  For example:  If we measure the motor speed (from the rate of change of the encoder) to be 500RPM.  We might then determine the back-emf to be 10V.  If we then limit the Output to 11V then if the motor resistance is 0.2 Ohms then the current would be limited to 5 Amps.

Do you think you would like to try this?   


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12160 From: David Stevenson Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi Tom,

That sounds very interesting. I would expect some formulas could be developed to set this up in a C program? Where you note monitor the speed and compute the back-emf, does that back-emf increase in a linear manner as the loading increases?

I would very much like to try this approach.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 4:19 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

SnapAmp drives Brushless motors in Voltage mode.

When the voltage limit is reached the motor will be not able to move sufficiently and there will be a following error.  If the Max Following Error is exceeded the Axis will fault.  Setting the Max Following error to a huge value should avoid the fault.

Motor Voltage is required to overcome motor back-emf (voltage that the motor generates like a generator when spinning) and motor resistance to cause current to flow. One approach might be to continuously monitor the motor speed and compute the expected motor back-emf.  Then change the Max Output to be some amount higher than this.  For example:  If we measure the motor speed (from the rate of change of the encoder) to be 500RPM.  We might then determine the back-emf to be 10V.  If we then limit the Output to 11V then if the motor resistance is 0.2 Ohms then the current would be limited to 5 Amps.

Do you think you would like to try this?   


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12162 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12165 From: David Stevenson Date: 8/26/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi Tom,

Thank you very much for your help!  I will do some testing in the morning and get you some results.

Best regards,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12169 From: David Stevenson Date: 8/28/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi Tom,

The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12174 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/28/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]
Hi David,

Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?


Inline image

Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
Hi Tom,

The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12176 From: David Stevenson Date: 8/28/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [2 Attachments]
Hi Tom,

I will do another test in the morning at the lower speed.

For the first test, I set MaxOutput to 25 for axis 0 and 15 for axis 1 (axis 0 wouldn't move at 15 because of friction.) This provided enough torque to slowly move the slide axis, but barely move the resisting material. I then reset MaxOutput to 250 for both axis to perform the Step Response tests.

Thank you for your help,

On 8/28/2015 3:23 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?


Inline image

Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
Hi Tom,

The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12177 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/28/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
Hi David,

I just noticed that your Acceleration is set extremely high (7e9 counts/sec^2).  That high of an acceleration would accelerate to 35000 counts/sec in 5us!!

Do you see the ~6.5A spikes in current when the motion starts?  This will be a problem if we try to limit the motor current to a couple of Amps.

Actually because of the Jerk setting the Acceleration takes time to ramp up and down so the full acceleration is never achieved.

Below I've super zoomed in so you can see the "S" shape Velocity profile of the trajectory.  Notice the trajectory goes to full velocity in ~1 millisecond.  This is still too unnecessarily fast.

Even after a couple of milliseconds the motor hasn't even begun to move (red line is flat).

Another thing to note is that the Output (green and right side scale) was originally stuck at about +20 (~1.5Amps) which is not enough to overcome friction and move.  It just begins to ramp up to ~ 22 and still no detectable motion.

So, please reduce the Acceleration to reasonable values.  Also set the Jerk to 1000X the Acceleration so the full Acceleration is applied quickly (in 1ms).  Find the lowest value that doesn't effect your performance significantly.   Then re-plot the Motor Currents to see how much the 6.5Amp current spike has been reduced.


Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp

Hi Tom,

I will do another test in the morning at the lower speed.

For the first test, I set MaxOutput to 25 for axis 0 and 15 for axis 1 (axis 0 wouldn't move at 15 because of friction.) This provided enough torque to slowly move the slide axis, but barely move the resisting material. I then reset MaxOutput to 250 for both axis to perform the Step Response tests.

Thank you for your help,

On 8/28/2015 3:23 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?


Inline image

Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
Hi Tom,

The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12261 From: David Stevenson Date: 9/14/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [1 Attachment]
Hi Tom,

Sorry for the delay getting back on this. I had some hardware issues which required manufacturing a couple of new parts before I could continue.

I have adjusted the settings to help smooth out the current spikes. Please see the attached files. I tried 2 different settings with axis 1 and have included both sets of results. I would greatly appreciate your guidance with regard to these latest tests.

With best regards,

On 8/28/2015 9:03 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

I just noticed that your Acceleration is set extremely high (7e9 counts/sec^2).  That high of an acceleration would accelerate to 35000 counts/sec in 5us!!

Do you see the ~6.5A spikes in current when the motion starts?  This will be a problem if we try to limit the motor current to a couple of Amps.

Actually because of the Jerk setting the Acceleration takes time to ramp up and down so the full acceleration is never achieved.

Below I've super zoomed in so you can see the "S" shape Velocity profile of the trajectory.  Notice the trajectory goes to full velocity in ~1 millisecond.  This is still too unnecessarily fast.

Even after a couple of milliseconds the motor hasn't even begun to move (red line is flat).

Another thing to note is that the Output (green and right side scale) was originally stuck at about +20 (~1.5Amps) which is not enough to overcome friction and move.  It just begins to ramp up to ~ 22 and still no detectable motion.

So, please reduce the Acceleration to reasonable values.  Also set the Jerk to 1000X the Acceleration so the full Acceleration is applied quickly (in 1ms).  Find the lowest value that doesn't effect your performance significantly.   Then re-plot the Motor Currents to see how much the 6.5Amp current spike has been reduced.


Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp

Hi Tom,

I will do another test in the morning at the lower speed.

For the first test, I set MaxOutput to 25 for axis 0 and 15 for axis 1 (axis 0 wouldn't move at 15 because of friction.) This provided enough torque to slowly move the slide axis, but barely move the resisting material. I then reset MaxOutput to 250 for both axis to perform the Step Response tests.

Thank you for your help,

On 8/28/2015 3:23 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?


Inline image

Inline image

From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
Hi Tom,

The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

Thank you,

On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi David,

Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12262 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/15/2015
Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [6 Attachments]
Attachments :
    Hi David,

    It would help if you were to try to interpret the tests so I would know what you are doing and how much you understand.  The accelerations are now very low and for axis 1 max velocity is never even achieved in your tests.  Were you aware of this?

    Low acceleration is nice and smooth if it works ok for your application.  It isn't clear if you understand this or have tested your application with those low settings.

    It seems your motor tuning/gains are very low.  Again that is fine if it works for your application.

    The current spikes due to high acceleration are now clearly gone.  Did you plot the Velocity vs Output?  Did you note the simple proportional relationship.

    Attached is a program that should limit the Max Output based on current motor speed plus an additional allowed amount.  See if it makes sense to you.


    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 5:12 PM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [6 Attachments]

    [Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
    Hi Tom,

    Sorry for the delay getting back on this. I had some hardware issues which required manufacturing a couple of new parts before I could continue.

    I have adjusted the settings to help smooth out the current spikes. Please see the attached files. I tried 2 different settings with axis 1 and have included both sets of results. I would greatly appreciate your guidance with regard to these latest tests.

    With best regards,

    On 8/28/2015 9:03 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    I just noticed that your Acceleration is set extremely high (7e9 counts/sec^2).  That high of an acceleration would accelerate to 35000 counts/sec in 5us!!

    Do you see the ~6.5A spikes in current when the motion starts?  This will be a problem if we try to limit the motor current to a couple of Amps.

    Actually because of the Jerk setting the Acceleration takes time to ramp up and down so the full acceleration is never achieved.

    Below I've super zoomed in so you can see the "S" shape Velocity profile of the trajectory.  Notice the trajectory goes to full velocity in ~1 millisecond.  This is still too unnecessarily fast.

    Even after a couple of milliseconds the motor hasn't even begun to move (red line is flat).

    Another thing to note is that the Output (green and right side scale) was originally stuck at about +20 (~1.5Amps) which is not enough to overcome friction and move.  It just begins to ramp up to ~ 22 and still no detectable motion.

    So, please reduce the Acceleration to reasonable values.  Also set the Jerk to 1000X the Acceleration so the full Acceleration is applied quickly (in 1ms).  Find the lowest value that doesn't effect your performance significantly.   Then re-plot the Motor Currents to see how much the 6.5Amp current spike has been reduced.


    Inline image

    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:28 PM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp

    Hi Tom,

    I will do another test in the morning at the lower speed.

    For the first test, I set MaxOutput to 25 for axis 0 and 15 for axis 1 (axis 0 wouldn't move at 15 because of friction.) This provided enough torque to slowly move the slide axis, but barely move the resisting material. I then reset MaxOutput to 250 for both axis to perform the Step Response tests.

    Thank you for your help,

    On 8/28/2015 3:23 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

    Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

    In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?


    Inline image

    Inline image

    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

    [Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
    Hi Tom,

    The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

    I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

    Thank you,

    On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

    Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

    Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

    If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 12263 From: David Stevenson Date: 9/15/2015
    Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for the program. I will study it and try to understand it's content.

    With regard to the test results I posted, I don't have a clear understanding of how much velocity is really necessary for the application. I will be doing more testing in the next few days to try and get a handle on the best max velocity and acceleration combination. Because this application is being driven by a gamepad, a big concern is the commanded position getting too far ahead of the destination.

    With the axis 1 second set of data, I purposely had a shorter move to fit it into the Step Response window. I did do a longer move and it seemed like the acceleration and max velocity were reasonable, but they haven't yet been tested in the application. I do now have a better understanding of the effect a high acceleration value has on the current.

    I don't really understand the motor gains. Is there something I should try or watch for?

    Thanks again and I will let you know how things work out.

    Best regards,

    On 9/15/2015 1:37 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    It would help if you were to try to interpret the tests so I would know what you are doing and how much you understand.  The accelerations are now very low and for axis 1 max velocity is never even achieved in your tests.  Were you aware of this?

    Low acceleration is nice and smooth if it works ok for your application.  It isn't clear if you understand this or have tested your application with those low settings.

    It seems your motor tuning/gains are very low.  Again that is fine if it works for your application.

    The current spikes due to high acceleration are now clearly gone.  Did you plot the Velocity vs Output?  Did you note the simple proportional relationship.

    Attached is a program that should limit the Max Output based on current motor speed plus an additional allowed amount.  See if it makes sense to you.


    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 5:12 PM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [6 Attachments]

    [Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
    Hi Tom,

    Sorry for the delay getting back on this. I had some hardware issues which required manufacturing a couple of new parts before I could continue.

    I have adjusted the settings to help smooth out the current spikes. Please see the attached files. I tried 2 different settings with axis 1 and have included both sets of results. I would greatly appreciate your guidance with regard to these latest tests.

    With best regards,

    On 8/28/2015 9:03 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    I just noticed that your Acceleration is set extremely high (7e9 counts/sec^2).  That high of an acceleration would accelerate to 35000 counts/sec in 5us!!

    Do you see the ~6.5A spikes in current when the motion starts?  This will be a problem if we try to limit the motor current to a couple of Amps.

    Actually because of the Jerk setting the Acceleration takes time to ramp up and down so the full acceleration is never achieved.

    Below I've super zoomed in so you can see the "S" shape Velocity profile of the trajectory.  Notice the trajectory goes to full velocity in ~1 millisecond.  This is still too unnecessarily fast.

    Even after a couple of milliseconds the motor hasn't even begun to move (red line is flat).

    Another thing to note is that the Output (green and right side scale) was originally stuck at about +20 (~1.5Amps) which is not enough to overcome friction and move.  It just begins to ramp up to ~ 22 and still no detectable motion.

    So, please reduce the Acceleration to reasonable values.  Also set the Jerk to 1000X the Acceleration so the full Acceleration is applied quickly (in 1ms).  Find the lowest value that doesn't effect your performance significantly.   Then re-plot the Motor Currents to see how much the 6.5Amp current spike has been reduced.


    Inline image

    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 4:28 PM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp

    Hi Tom,

    I will do another test in the morning at the lower speed.

    For the first test, I set MaxOutput to 25 for axis 0 and 15 for axis 1 (axis 0 wouldn't move at 15 because of friction.) This provided enough torque to slowly move the slide axis, but barely move the resisting material. I then reset MaxOutput to 250 for both axis to perform the Step Response tests.

    Thank you for your help,

    On 8/28/2015 3:23 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    Based on these plots at that speed of 35000 counts/sec it looks to me like the back emf is requiring about 50 units of Output.  The other 10-20 units of output is creating the motor current (torque) of 1.5 to 3,0 Amps.

    Please do another set at half that speed (17500 counts/sec).

    In the first test what value did you need to reduce the Max Output to in order to limit the torque?



    Inline image

    From: "David Stevenson david.m.stevenson@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
    To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 28, 2015 7:57 AM
    Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp [4 Attachments]

    [Attachment(s) from David Stevenson included below]
    Hi Tom,

    The MaxOutput does indeed limit the torque appropriately at low speeds for the two axis.

    I setup the Step Response for each axis to move at a speed which I though might be a good operating speed and the data is attached. Hopefully it is what you were looking for.

    Thank you,

    On 8/26/2015 6:04 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    Back-emf is created in the motor by speed not load.

    Please perform some tests to gather some data and information.

    Firstly verify that limiting the Max Output does limit the torque in a manner that works well for you at low speeds. Set the Max Following error to a huge value and set the Max Output to some value then move slowly into some obstruction.  When pushing against an obstacle motor speed is basically zero so there is no back-emf to compensate for.   As long as you don't move other than low speed does everything work as expected and desired?

    If so, make and post some Step Response Screen long "Moves" at at least two relatively high speeds so we can see the required voltage (Output) to move at those speeds under minimal loads.  Also save and post the raw data so we can plot it various ways to see Output, Speed, Current, etc...  From those we should be able to determine the back-emf coefficient and so forth.

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 12265 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/16/2015
    Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
    Hi David,

    The PID and Filter parameters are used to tune the servo to change the manner in which it attempts to correct errors.

    In general higher gains will reduce errors faster and to smaller values.  Too high of gains will correct too quickly and cause overshoot and possibly complete instability. 

    It doesn't seem like you ever even attempted to tune your motors as there appears to only be the very low default P (Output Proportional to error) gain of 0.1.  In this case when moving at high speed the Servo develops an error of ~2000 counts before the Output grows to the required amount of ~200 to maintain that speed.  2000 x 0.1 = 200

    Lower gain/performance normally results in gentler and smoother motion so if in your application those errors are not significant there may be no reason to increase them.


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 12266 From: David Stevenson Date: 9/16/2015
    Subject: Re: Operating Servos in Torque Mode with SnapAmp
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the information.

    I messed around with the parameters a few months ago, but didn't have a clear grasp of the the effect. Normally I have a 10:1 gearbox on my servo motors so small errors didn't seem to make any difference. With the gearboxes and the ballscrews 1 inch of linear movement is 254,000 encoder counts.

    The new configuration will be much more sensitive and the gearboxes will likely be removed, provided I can get enough torque from the servo motors themselves. I will do some more experimenting with the new configuration.

    Best regards,

    On 9/16/2015 1:13 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
    Hi David,

    The PID and Filter parameters are used to tune the servo to change the manner in which it attempts to correct errors.

    In general higher gains will reduce errors faster and to smaller values.  Too high of gains will correct too quickly and cause overshoot and possibly complete instability. 

    It doesn't seem like you ever even attempted to tune your motors as there appears to only be the very low default P (Output Proportional to error) gain of 0.1.  In this case when moving at high speed the Servo develops an error of ~2000 counts before the Output grows to the required amount of ~200 to maintain that speed.  2000 x 0.1 = 200

    Lower gain/performance normally results in gentler and smoother motion so if in your application those errors are not significant there may be no reason to increase them.
